Donate to The Big Cat Sanctuary - The Big Cat Sanctuary

Donate to The Big Cat Sanctuary

You can make a difference
Whatever you give, your donation will help us care for our cats and contribute to our conservation work.


Donate now

Could pay for a vital Camera Trap that can protect Maya’s wild Jaguar cousins in Costa Rica and help save them from extinction

Can help ensure that a cat like Laila the Snow Leopard is safe from infections and diseases for a whole year!

Could give a cat like Willow the Cheetah some delicious and nutritious meals to keep her healthy and happy for a day.

Legacy: Contact us to find out how to register a gift in your will. Large or small it will have a lasting impact on our cats and global conservation.  
You can also help support the Sanctuary by donating through our Amazon Wishlist. You can treat our cats to some fun enrichment or help our keepers with their day to day duties to care for them.  

View our Amazon Wishlist HERE